by Kimberlee Morrison | Aug 20, 2015 | Culture, Politics
I’ve been working in digital media for a decade, and every year is proclaimed the year of outrage. While digital media has democratized information and given rise to new sources of information, it has also demonstrated how quickly we are to formulate opinions....
by Kimberlee Morrison | Nov 18, 2011 | My Life, Opinion, Politics
Growing up as I did, going to predominantly upper middle-class white schools, I’m no stranger to being treated like the representative for the “Black perspective.” This happened quite often during cultural discussions in high school and even...
by Kimberlee Morrison | Apr 11, 2011 | Politics
Last week I cried. It was the day the government almost shut down and Trump was on MSNBC’s Today using the theory that President Obama was not a citizen as a ploy for ratings. And I thought about this thread I keep hearing in the political code, about America...
by Kimberlee Morrison | Apr 4, 2011 | My Life, Politics
Last week the Freedom Writers Foundation hosted an event for educators (and education students) at the University of La Verne. While there was much talk about connecting with students and diversity awareness, there was another common thread: educators feel like they...
by Kimberlee Morrison | Feb 27, 2009 | Opinion, Politics
Most people who really know me, know that I highly tolerant and accepting even. I used to be militant and wear my blackness on my sleeve. This was a result of being accused by my black peers of “talking like a white girl,” and feeling like I always had to...
by Kimberlee Morrison | Jan 20, 2009 | Politics
This morning I watched the presidential inauguration; the first I have ever bothered watching. For the most part I thought it was all pomp and circumstance, but there was definitely a sense of excitement about the new president being sworn in. I keep thinking about...