by Kimberlee Morrison | Feb 2, 2010 | Goal Setting, My Life
I wish I had the flexibility and freedom to just say fuckitall. Nothing in particular, just feeling the weight of life and the daily grind on my shoulders. I want to fire my boss and my best friend. I want to drop the boy off with his dad and leave him there...
by Kimberlee Morrison | Feb 1, 2010 | Goal Setting, My Life
I’m playing around with some ideas regarding where I want to take this blog. I’ve gotta come up with something if I’m going to keep up a 365 project. I have some plans to grow this blog, to build a community, but I’m not sure what type of...
by Kimberlee Morrison | Jul 20, 2009 | My Life, Uncategorized
So I know, long periods of time go by when I don’t post anything. It’s just that I get so busy and I forget that 1) I wrote down this goal that I really want to accomplish and I have this blog (two of them actually) that is part of that those...
by Kimberlee Morrison | Jan 20, 2009 | Politics
This morning I watched the presidential inauguration; the first I have ever bothered watching. For the most part I thought it was all pomp and circumstance, but there was definitely a sense of excitement about the new president being sworn in. I keep thinking about...