I’m playing around with some ideas regarding where I want to take this blog. I’ve gotta come up with something if I’m going to keep up a 365 project. I have some plans to grow this blog, to build a community, but I’m not sure what type of community I want to build.
Part of me wants to build and become part of a single mom community. Super women who work, raise kids, cook, clean, have social lives (what’s that?)…For the women trying to balance it all but knowing that having it all is too much of a sacrifice and we will not sacrifice happiness and fulfillment for someone else’s dream.
Another part of me wants to avoid pinning down a theme. A theme means no (mostly) random musings. I’ll have to focus and while no theme could really cage me in, I’ll have to think about that theme when addressing the community.
So that’s where I am. Over the next month or so, you’ll probably start to see my focus take shape as I hone in on what I really want to provide from my experiences. The lessons and triumphs I can share.
I’ll get it together and hopefully you’ll be willing to help. We can support and encourage each other.
And it will be awesome!
We’re all behind you Kimberlee.