Kids Fly Solo…

And their parents want answers. That’s what the headline said. Heh. I’m of two minds on this myself neither of which include the parents questioning the government or the airline. 1) What resourceful kids! The girl decided she wanted to go to use her money...

Miami Beach Totally Rocked!

Beautiful city, great company what more can you ask for? It was busy for sure. Running around “live blogging” the event, making sure speakers had everything they needed…it was great. Highlights: I met Susan Gunelius who I’ve known and worked...

Epic Travel Fail

Today started off alright. I had a plan and everything was right on schedule, except for one thing. The schedule in my head was nearly 45 minutes off. I arrived at the airport thinking I was right on time to get checked in for an 11:55 red eye to ATL only to find out...