Love is all there is

A while ago I posted a link on Facebook about Christian singer Jennifer Knapp returning to music and coming out. My only comment to start was that I thought the decision might raise some ire, then someone asked me for more specific thoughts, at which point I obliged....

Clarity Revisited

Tonight was the night to catch up with a close friend and discuss our visions for the year. Last year at this time I was really into this idea of clarity. I was on fire. The only problem is that my vision was unclear. I was grasping for clarity, and that clarity only...

Reflections The Night Before Moving Day

I’m tired. I’ve spent the last five days sorting through nearly a decade of my life and now I’m just tired. Emotionally, drained and simulteneously liberated. Excited and anxious… I guess I should slow down a little… For a while now,...

Tripple “E” Challenge: Time for Yeilding

Yesterday was about taking a time out and today is definitely about yielding. The message of the service at my spiritual community was even about led by the spirit. Really being in tune with the divine wisdom within and simply put, going with the flow. Funny thing is...