A New Dawn, A New Day, A New Life

Just before the turn of the new year, I wrote about a dream assignment and a desire to stretch myself more as a writer. I wrote about possibilities and being at a fork in the road. And then I went silent for a while. Why? Because I got to work. Sort of… The...

Tripple “E” Challenge: Make it Lasting

Technically, I did the exercise wrong yesterday…I couldn’t find the paper on which I wrote the instructions down. Funnily enough, I made this daily word thing far more complicated than it is. I found it so here’s what I’m doing; it’s...

Starting 2009

I was challenged by a friend and mentor to do some self evaluation as I start the new year. We’re meeting in a couple hours, so I guess now is as good a time as any to think about some introspection done. The assignment: figure out what I want to leave behind,...