I’ve got some ideas

I’m playing around with some ideas regarding where I want to take this blog. I’ve gotta come up with something if I’m going to keep up a 365 project. I have some plans to grow this blog, to build a community, but I’m not sure what type of...

Squandered time and low productivity

Some days it seems like life leads you along. You don’t need to know where you’re going because the path finds you and all you have to do is walk it. Other days, the way isn’t quite as clear. You know there are things you should be doing but...

This 365 thing is tough

Man, this 365 thing is really tough. I’ve already missed two days, both times because I simply forgot to post something. Almost did the same thing tonight except I woke up so I could write something for this blog. Is that really what I want? Is this 365 blogging...

No More Mediocrity for Me

Today is day 3 in the 30 Days to Changing Your Game Series. The subject? Sabotage. As I read what Carla Young had to say about the lies we tell ourselves and being afraid of success, I realized that I have sabotaged myself over and over. And right there in the...