Today is day 3 in the 30 Days to Changing Your Game Series. The subject? Sabotage. As I read what Carla Young had to say about the lies we tell ourselves and being afraid of success, I realized that I have sabotaged myself over and over. And right there in the comments, I admitted that failure is familiar territory for me.

Why should I be so closely acquainted with failure? I consider myself an overachiever. In college I was disappointed when I got anything less than an A, I even negotiated a D to a B all because I thought the professor was trying to grade me based on her dislike for me personally. Mediocrity is not something I aspire to.

But somehow I’ve often gotten paralyzed with the fear of what might happen if I tried and didn’t succeed.

It’s so much easier to just get by, to do just enough. It takes real courage to push through the fear and jump off the ledge trying to accomplish your goals.

So today’s commitment: I’m going to stop sandbagging. I need a little discomfort to get where I want to go. And since accomplishing my goals means embarking on unfamiliar territory, fear is par for the course.

Its time for me to escape mediocrity. I’m so glad to be part of a new tribe, a new network of people supporting my growth and the accomplishment of my goals.

I leave you with my horoscope for today:

The most important thing to remember about this Saturn transit, Leo, is that the actions you take and even more importantly the words you speak will have effects that last for a long time. Saturn, in your solar chart is in both a sign and a house where it is very comfortable. Over the quarter of a decade that Saturn remains there, you may find yourself networking with (or thrown into the neighborhood of) people who are well established, and very practical. You won’t find this time dry or dull, because many goals will be accomplished with their support.