by Kimberlee Morrison | Nov 2, 2010 | Opinion, Parenting
I stopped at the park to check on the Boy the other day and noticed something: there were very few girls. There may have been one or two but fairly young and a very watchful adult eye. All the rest of kids were boys. They varied in age, from maybe 7 to young adult....
by Kimberlee Morrison | Oct 27, 2010 | My Life, The Boy
One of my favorite things about the Boy is that he’s super friendly. Always has been. He waves and smiles to strangers and makes friends quickly. I’m friendly, but definitely not as comfortable with new people as immediately as he is. And I love watching...
by Kimberlee Morrison | Oct 18, 2010 | Parenting, The Boy
I’m always reading about people and their kids being harassed by paranoid, busy-body, safety police at the Free-Range Kids blog. I even had a parent who lives close to The Boy’s school “report” me to the school admins because he showed up at 7...
by Kimberlee Morrison | Aug 13, 2010 | Parenting
And their parents want answers. That’s what the headline said. Heh. I’m of two minds on this myself neither of which include the parents questioning the government or the airline. 1) What resourceful kids! The girl decided she wanted to go to use her money...
by Kimberlee Morrison | May 22, 2010 | My Life
Note: I tend to write in bursts so if this is your first time here and you like what you read, subscribe to the feed so you don’t forget where to go to for more. 😉 Today has been dubbed by Lenore Skenazy of Free-Range Kids, Take Your Children to the Park and...