by Kimberlee Morrison | Jan 16, 2009 | My Life
This week has been rife with hard lessons, most of which have forced me to be introspective and examine myself. I’m inclined to introspection anyway, as well as being one of the best ways to maintain growth. After Monday’s debacle and yesterday’s...
by Kimberlee Morrison | Jan 15, 2009 | My Life
Grrrr! I was exhausted last night and while I didn’t feel like writing, I was totally going to do it anyway…and then my internet connection went down and I gave up. Hopefully you’ll forgive me the lapse… Catching up though, yesterday’s...
by Kimberlee Morrison | Jan 13, 2009 | Love, My Life
Longing hardly seems like something you want to express or experience and the enjoyment is fleeting… Today I’ve been having a hard time coping with the distance between David and I. Its hard for us to coordinate talking because of the time difference and I...
by Kimberlee Morrison | Jan 12, 2009 | My Life, On The Job
Today starts the second week of my Triple “E” Challenge and while I slept in this morning, I know that today I definitely learned a lesson in compassion. I had been warned, when you’re sending IMs, make sure you send them to the right person. Boy did...
by Kimberlee Morrison | Jan 11, 2009 | My Life
Yesterday was about taking a time out and today is definitely about yielding. The message of the service at my spiritual community was even about led by the spirit. Really being in tune with the divine wisdom within and simply put, going with the flow. Funny thing is...