That’s right! I took a good look at what I want to get done, what it’ll take to get there and made a quick list of goals. I even set deadlines for some and a schedule for others.
Funny thing is I’ve been telling myself for weeks it’s time for a plan but I haven’t taken the time to actually create anything concrete or measurable. I think part of that is fear that if I make a plan things become all the more real. I suppose that goes back to Carla Young’s 30 day game changer post about self sabotage and those things that scare the shit out of you.
But I’ve been reading Michelle Goodman’s Anti 9-to-5 Guide and she harps on the fact that no matter how smart you are, you don’t really get things done unless you break your goals into bite-sized chunks. It’s not the first time I’ve heard this. In fact, this concept of creating a plan has been a recurring theme all month.
So I finally pushed past the self sabotaging fear, set some deadlines and decided on a few projects. And you know what? It feels good to have a clear idea of what my next couple steps are. Once I get into a rhythm or get some of those thing checked off, I’ll decide on a few more projects and short term goals to help me get to where I want to be.
Thanks Michelle, Carla, Sarah, Claudia and everyone else who has given guidance on getting things done. I’m learning not to stifle myself and its partially because you all believe in me (probably more than I believe in myself). You all rock!